DanceInTime’s Barb Bernstein is developing a swim exercise program which enables people to do water exercises in time to music. Participants will do moves in the water that exercise muscles without putting strain on joints. These exercises will be in the form of simple dance steps which offer the fun and bonding that only moving in synch with others can offer!

Generally at water exercise programs, the teacher moves to cool, fast paced songs while those in the water imitate the teacher’s movements. The music adds excitement to the class but those in the water cannot do the exercises at the same pace as the teacher due to water resistance. So exercises are being done “against the beat of the music.”

While exercising this way is fun, there is an additional dimension to the fun when everyone moves together in synchrony to the beat of the music! Good music can be found at any tempo. So doing water exercise to slower music makes it possible to move to the music’s beat in the water. This gives those exercising the joy of moving together as a group in time to the music.

Research has shown that when people are moving synchronously with others, they feel bonded afterwards to those in the group. Synchronous movement fosters feelings of trust and friendship. This level of connection is not achieved if people are in the same room, dancing to the same music, but not moving in synch with each other. Interestingly, the more exertion involved in the group activity, the closer people feel to one another. The two articles below explain some of these findings:

Bernstein’s Swim In Time program also utilizes choreographed sequences of moves so that the exercise feels like a dance. Some portions are even done with a partner. There is evidence that this type of dancing has significant cognitive benefits which also go beyond the benefits of just getting physical exercise. A research project reported in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that out of eleven physical activities studied, social dancing was the only one associated with a lower risk of dementia.

And of course, in water, people can challenge their muscles without putting too much pressure on their joints. That means that people can safely do movements that would be risky on land.

Because water workouts have these far-reaching health benefits, Bernstein has created a dance-related water exercise program. Pool managers are welcome to contact her ( to discuss a program for their pool!


Below are some dance moves/choreography for the Swim In Time program:


SWIM CHOREO ONE  -  Two lines facing each other with walk throughs
Walk forward 8 beats
Walk back 8 beats
Joggin backwards
Side rocks  (L, R)
Back rocks
Side together side tap  (L, R)
Cross body lead   (with two lines pass through each other)
Side rocks going forward    (with two lines come even)

SWIM CHOREO TWO   —  Chorus lines
Step kick step kick (L, R in front)
Step kick step kick (L, R with legs out to the side)
Step kick step kick (L, R)  at diagonal
Step kicks but opposite diagonals
Step knee up, step kick  (L, R in front)
Step knee up, step kick  (L, R at diagonal)
Kick backs
Turn around, walking
Axle turn
Hip rolls
Step step jump jump
Jump turning side to side
Step, bend and slap knee, step, bend and slap knee

SWIM CHOREO THREE  —  Separate dancing, creative dancing, partner mirroring
Jump and move feet wide apart (like jumping jacks)
Pedal  a bike
Same as above but going to the side
Lean forward, bend back
Move head side to side
Move head in circles
Move head in opposite circle direction
All swimmers create their own 24 beat sequence!
8 beats to find a partner and hold hands
One partner moves 16 beats holding hands with another person, who does it with him/her on next 16 beats
8 beats to find a new partner and hold hands
One partner moves 16 beats holding hands with another person, who does it with him/her on next 16 beats


SWIM CHOREO FOUR   Stepping to beat in place with...
Shoulders up and down
Shoulders front and back
Shoulder rolls
Shoulder shimmy

SWIM CHOREO FIVE   Jogging with...
Arms front and back
Internal and external rotation of arms
Hands down and lift arms in front
Hands down and lift arms out to sides

SWIM CHOREO SIX   Turn around, walking in circle with….
Hands out of water-extend going front: up and down
Hands out of water—make circles out to the side
Hands up—cross them making 90 degree arc
Hands up—cross them making circles 

SWIM CHOREO SEVEN   Walking forward and back with… 
Jab punches
Push the water forward, out of the way
Push water in back
Jazz hands 

SWIM CHOREO EIGHT    Standing in place with..
Bow and arrow arm action
“Stop in the name of love” hand action, then hip swirls
Clap in air, clap above water surface, clap to the right, clap to the left